Friday, 27 February 2009

tag dri c Lilfidzz

ani me jawap saja pakai bahasa malayu eh.. english me nda jua lacis lacis.. testuck bah english me, hehe..

Step 1: You're never alone with a blog. Tell your readers why you love them, and why they should love you.

hmm.. pasal kamu snggup baca blog me yg sungguh buring n nada stail lahh, hehe.. iatah pasal atu me sukaa kamuu.. well, atu ikut kamu punya isi hati lahh.. mun kamu suka me, baikk.. mun nda suka, nda papa.. heheh

Step 2: Teach someone you love to blog (or micro-blog!).

ani kahh, nda me prnah mngajar plang.. n me ani bukan pro bin andal dalam blogging.. me masih dalam proses pmbangangan sedunia nii.. hehe

Step 3: Link to their first blog post, and encourage readers to visit them. Use this tag: #SMK [social media kisses]

hmm.. sbnarnya me mmbuat blog ani buang buring plang saja nii.. hehe, so nada inspirasi keluarga bahagia.. hehe.. astahh,, apa lgi ituu..

Step 4: Tag your blogging friends to take part in this memo.

me tag zisce, paijan, arie, madie,

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